Klaus-Peter Kossakowski: Computer-Würmer


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IT Incident Response




Literaturverzeichnis [Needham, Schroeder 1978] bis [Stoll 1989]

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  23. [Rotenberg 1990] Prepared Testimony and Statement for the Record on Computer Virus Legislation / Rotenberg, M. - In: Computers and Society. - Vol. 20, Nr. 1, März 1990, S. 12-25.
  24. [Saffo 1989] Consensual Realities in Cyberspace / Saffo, P. - In: Communications of the ACM. - Vol. 32, Nr. 6, Juni 1989, S. 664-665.
  25. [Saltzer 1989] Teaching Students About Responsible Use of Computers / Saltzer, J. H. - In: Communications of the ACM. - Vol. 32, Nr. 6, Juni 1989, S. 704.
  26. [Scherlis et al. 1990] Computer Emergency Response / Scherlis, W. L.; Squires, S. L.; Pethia, R. D. - In: Computers Under Attack / Hrsg. v. Denning, P. J. - Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1990. - S. 495-504.
  27. [Schneider 1989] Juristische Aspekte der Softwaremanipulation / Schneider, M. - In: Manipulation in Rechnern und Netzen / Hrsg. v. Gleißner, W.; Grimm, R.; Herda, S.; Isselhorst, H. - Bonn: Addison-Wesley, 1989. - S. 277-282.
  28. [Schultz et al. 1990] Computer Emergency Response Teams : Lessons Learned / Schultz, E. E.; Pethia, R. D.; Dalton, J. R. - In: 13. National Computer Security Conference. - Gaithersburg, Md.: US National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1990. - S. 634-640.
  29. [Seeley 1989] Password Cracking : A Game of Wits / Seeley, D. - In: Communications of the ACM. - Vol. 32, Nr. 6, Juni 1989, S. 700-703.
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  31. [Shore 1988] Why I never met a programmer I could trust / Shore, J. - In: Communications of the ACM. - Vol. 31, Nr. 4, April 1988, S. 372-375.
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  33. [Sinisi 1989] Network Security Issues / Sinisi, M. J. - University of Colorada Master Thesis. - 1989.
  34. [Smith 1988] A Survey of Process Migration Mechanisms / Smith, J. M. - In: ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review. - Vol. 22, Nr. 3, Juli 1988, S. 28-40.
[Zurück zum Anfang]
  • [Spafford 1989] The Internet Worm Program : An Analysis / Spafford, E. H. - In: Computer Communication Review. - Vol. 19, Nr. 1, Januar 1989, S. 17-57.
  • [Spafford 1989a] Crisis and Aftermath / Spafford, E. H. - In: Communications of the ACM. - Vol. 32, Nr. 6, Juni 1989, S. 678-687.
  • [Spafford 1990] The Internet Worm Incident / Spafford, E. H. - In: Rogue Programs : Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses / Hrsg. v. Hoffman, L. J. - New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990. - S. 203-227.
  • [Spafford 1991] Chain Letter / Spafford, E. H. - In: comp.security. - 26. November 1991.
  • [Spafford 1991] Computer Viruses - A Form of Artificial Life? / Spafford, E. H. - In: 4. Annual Computer Virus & Security Conference / Hrsg. v. Lefkon, R. G. - New York, NY, 1991. - S. 575-595.
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  • [SPAN MEMO2 1989] Memo / Tencati, R. SPAN Management Office. - Intranetwork Memorandum vom 23. Oktober 1989.
  • [SPAN MEMO3 1989] Security Guidelines to be followed in latest Worm Attack / Hrsg. v. SPAN Management Office. - Internetwork Memorandum vom 30. Oktober 1989.
  • [SPAN MEMO4 1989] Network Security Supplemental Information - Protecting the DECNET Account / SPAN Management Office. - Internetwork Memorandum von 1989.
  • [Steiner et al. 1988] Kerberos : An Authentication Service for Open Network Systems / Steiner, J. G.; Neumann, B. C.; Schiller, J. I. - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Projekt Athena. - Cambridge, Mass. - 12. Januar 1988.
  • [Stelzer 1990] Kritik des Sicherheitsbegriffs im IT-Sicherheitsrahmenkonzept / Stelzer, D. - In: Datenschutz und Datensicherung. - Vol. 14, Nr. 10, Oktober 1990, S. 501-506.
  • [Stodolsky 1989] Net Hormones: Part 1 - Infection Control assuming Cooperation among Computers / Stodolsky, D. - 16. März 1989.
  • [Stoll 1988] How Secure are Computers in the U.S.A.? / Stoll, C. - In: Computers & Security. - Vol. 7, Nr. 6, Dezember 1988, S. 543-547.
  • [Stoll 1989] An Epidemiology of Viruses & Network Worms / Stoll, C. - In: 12. National Computer Security Conference. - o. O., 1989 - S. 369-377.

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